Bill Hertter

Years before I retired I heard many people say they were busier in retirement than when they were working full-time. Having been retired since 2007, I can now say “Amen” to that statement. Carol retired from nursing in 2008, but the office from which she retired calls her to work from time to time, but she still does volunteer work as well.

Carol and I serve on the Board of Directors for Joy Care Center, Inc. This is a faith-based outreach to ex-offenders upon their release from jail or prison. I currently serve as President. Our mission is to assist ex-offenders in getting the services they need in order to get established in the community. This is different from Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship in that we don’t go into the prison. Rather, so to speak, we meet them at the gate. Joy Care’s office is located in the old BHS building at 510 E. Washington St., Ste 112, Bloomington, IL 61701.

Our work with ex-offenders involves meeting with them to complete an analysis of their needs and set goals for meeting those needs. We familiarize the Client with the various services that are available in Bloomington-Normal including education, medical, housing, food, clothing, transportation and employment. The most difficult is employment because most of the ex-offenders have at least one felony on their record. Unfortunately many businesses have a policy not to hire anyone with a felony.

It’s been our experience that the majority of people coming out of prison want to get on with their lives and become the people God intended them to be. But all too often because of roadblocks they encounter in trying to obtain employment they become discouraged. That’s one of the major reasons why the recidivism rate exceeds 60%.

The back of the Joy Care Center business card reads like this:


“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in
your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9 New Living Translation

This summarizes the focus of our outreach. When an ex-offender’s life is changed from the inside, the chances of recidivism are dramatically reduced. And he/she can truly experience their best life now.

Bill & Carol Hertter
Phone: 309-530-3911