Hey you Purple Raiders!

June 8, 1960 - That's the date we all took off in different directions for the beginning of our adult lives. It can't really be over 50 years ago, can it? We really aren't THAT old, are we? Ok, we need to admit these old bodies tells us "I'm not 17 anymore but FIFTY years is a long time". In 1960, what did we think we would be like today??? At 17 and 18 we couldn't imagine being THIS old.

We all feel like we're a lot younger than our parents and grandparents appeared to be at this age. Times have changed and so have we. We won't even go into how the world has changed.

We've all had a lot of water under our bridges of life. We've seen a bit of the country and even the world that we never dreamed possible back in 1960. In some cases, we have even lived our lives in these parts of the world.

We believe this website venture will be fun. How cool is it to have contact with our classmates across the country/globe digitally? Who would have dreamed we could do something like this when we were 17 and 18 years old and just newly graduated from good ol BHS? And most of us have computers in our homes now. Who woulda thunk it?

This is YOUR website, Class of '60. Please let us know what YOU would like to see on this site and we'll try to have as much fun as possible with it in the next couple of years - and beyond if interest holds.