Judy Rockwell Stein

1.  After retiring from teaching as school librarian after 34 years, I worked in the public library in Birmingham, Alabama for a year, 
2.  I am with my two sisters Kathleen and Peggy, my brother Tom top picture; .. my son Jonathan and my daughter Jennifer bottom photo.
3.  I bred and showed Stein Haus Great Danes from 1981 to 2005.  I'm with the son of my first champion in the photo..
Thank you for doing this great site,  Rose.

Judy's work life:
I've always worked in a library,  Rose,  Withers Public Library in Bloomington in high school,  Normal Public Library in college,   Santa Barbara Public Library in California where David and I were married and had our children 1962 - 1968,  and then when I finished my library degree in 1972,  school libraries for 34 years.   Oh,  I forgot,  at Irving School the librarian Miss Hundley pulled me out of class to be her aide because I read the most books,  and she is the one who recommended to Miss Noble at BHS that I should be hers,  which I was all through the three years,  by my senior year actually cataloging the books and filing the card catalog by myself,  and I took over the BHS library at noon for half an hour while she was gone to lunch.   By the time I got to ISNU in LIbrary Science/English majors in 1960,  I already knew what they were teaching most of the time !
Aren't we lucky to find our career path so young and to have it work out?   I was blessed.