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October 1 - 3, 2010

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2009.....July - December

December 31, 2009
Dear Rose,

I have decided to join the fun and send pictures.  These two were taken during a December Open House at the Homestead where I volunteer as a guide.  Our Homestead is very small (as opposed to Lincoln's New Salem).
We have a Log House and a smoke house that are authentic.  We also have a "dug out" that was fabricated.  If I look like I am freezing in the pictures, it is because I am.  My costume didn't come with a coat so I am wearing two layers of long underwear and a boiled wool jacket under the costume.  The temperature was in the 40s that day.

Happy New Year to all.  Over and out for now.  
Ruth Ann (Clark) Morrison

December 21, 2009
What a great way to start the Christmas season!  First,I got a call from John D. and Dave and Susan Jones this past Saturday night from John's home in good ole Auburn, and then on Tuesday a visit at my home by Dave and Susan and also Cheryl McKinley.  Seems as though Dave andSusan are making a concerted effort to find those of us from the BHS class of'60 who have been "lost".  While visiting me and my wife, June,I learned some news of you all and other former class mates, saw many pictures of past BHS reunions and get togethers, and we shared some memories that go back 50 years and more.  It was really great!  (By the way, I noticed that when she smiles Susan Jones looks like a girl I knew many years ago named Susan Bicket.)  Since Dave was good enough to give me your address (email and home) I thought I'd email you all to say "Hi, I hope you and your families are well, and Merry Christmas".  I'd love to hear from any and all of you. Also, since I learned that Bob Gaston lives in Tampa,probably not more than 45 minutes from my home, maybe we could get together some time soon.
All the best,
Jack Miller

December 21, 2009
After graduating from BHS, went to Auburn University and was on the wrestling team for three years.  SEC champion in 147 pound weight division for two years, and was captain of team in final year.  Then, went to University of Illinois College of Law (played rugby there for sports), and graduated in 1966, and joined the Florida Bar, as well as the U.S. Marine Corps.  Went to Vietnam on first tour of duty.  Served in Italy for 3 years, Washington DC for 3 years, Japan for one year, and several tours in California.  Retired as a Lt. Colonel, and started a new career in the renewable energy business building wind farms.  Worked for Zond Corporation, which became Enron Wind, and General Electric bought us, and worked at GE for a number of years, retiring in 2006.   After GE, I joined a start-up company, called Clipper, and was responsible for building their field services organization.   Today, we have over 500 turbines in 18 states from New York to Mexico (140 turbines in Iowa).    I am still very active physically, running my last marathon in December 2009, and am happily married to Julie with one step son from our marriage, who is working at DreamWorks in Los Angeles.  We currently live in Montecito, California, near Santa Barbara, and enjoy traveling to Europe, reading, running, playing golf and seeing good movies.    
Best Regards,
Jeffery W. Maurer Vice President Project Management Operations
Clipper Windpower, Inc.

note: Be sure to see Jeff's photos at end of our photo gallery, "A Look at us now" section

December 11, 2009
Dear Class Members,
During our efforts to track our classmates down to inform them of the upcoming reunion, we discovered that
Ann Kelso Losey was suffering from an inoperable brain tumor.  Sadly, Ann passed away Monday, Dec. 7, 2009.  Online condolences may be made at   Her obituary can be viewed at We will miss you Ann!


November 23, 2009
You all have the site counter for this website whirling ! Do you ever check out the site counter at at the bottom of our “Home” page? If you don’t know what that is, it shows how many hits/how many visits our website has had. In less than the last month, we have had over 100 hits/visits! Amazing considering our visitors are just our class members! Thanks to all of you for making this website so successful. Your contributions to OUR website plus your many visits are appreciated by all. I installed this site counter one year ago. Since then, we have experienced 1,393 hits -- as of this moment.

November 22, 2009
Check “Are you retired or what” to see what
Connie Lucas Kocher has been doing these past 49 years

Note: Also check “Photo Gallery” for some pix of Connie and Bob

November 19, 2009
Sad news has been received that classmate
Ann Kelso has a terminal, inoperable brain tumor.

November 18, 2009

News flash!!!
Phil & Jane Baer's daughter Freya and her Kai had their TWINS on November 16, 2009!!

River Levi was born at 2:23pm and
his twin sister
Vera Sky was born at 2:25pm

They will join their big brother
August Kai and their parents at home in Santa Cruz in a few weeks.
River & Vera were each about 4 pounds and almost 18” when they were born 2 months before their due date.
River is distinguished looking and Vera is elegant, they are perfect in every way. ~August River & Vera~

Freya Baer & Kai Bentley
August, River & Vera Bentley

November 16, 2009
Check out “Are you retired or...or what” for what
Dennis Ford has been up to

Note: Also check out Photo Gallery for a current photo of Dennis

November 12, 2009
Have you been lurking? ie keeping tabs on the reunion/planning on the website. Have you let Zona, Marty or Rose know your plan on coming to the reunion next October? This is not be a carved in stone commitment. We are just trying to get a ball park figure to help with our planning. Please let one of us know if you haven't already. My email is if you need an email to send your response to.
Thanks a bunch for your help.

October 30, 2009
BHS plays Oswego tonight in Bloomington in a first round IHSA playoff game. This is the
23rd straight year the Raiders have qualified for the state playoffs. That might be a state
record, although I haven't confirmed that. If you've been away from IL for a long time you
might not know what a powerhouse football program BHS has put together dating back to
the late '70s.

This season, BHS lost to Danville in the first game of the season by one point on a field
goal as the clock ran out. Then, they won the next eight in a row. So it was just one tick
of the clock that prevented an undefeated season. Danville won the Big 12 and had the
undefeated season. This was the first year in two decades or so that BHS or Normal Community
did not win the conference.

I'll be at tonight's game with my rain slicker on. It's been a wet October and most Friday night
games have been played in the slop.
Jim Bennett

Oct. 27, 2009
Sadly, Mom fell Thursday & the recommendation was that she had to have surgery.  Her heart was too weak and she lasted only minutes in the surgery Friday afternoon.  We will be back in Bloomington Tuesday and expect to be around most of the time till the end of the year.
Perhaps another lunch will be planned.
Dave & Susan Jones

October 18, 2009
Morey Barekman sent in what he has been up to the last 49 years. Check it out in “Are Your Retired or what”.
He also sent me several photos taken at our 25th class reunion. Check them out in "Photo " page, "Past Reunions". Email me the names of people you know in the pictures. Thnx

October 15, 2009
SEVERAL announcement/questions
1. Date of our reunion will soon be set! Stay tuned!
2. There will be an email sent out to all classmates that we here in Bloomington area have an email for. The email will be requesting you email Zona and/or I your current snail mail address. In case you don't receive an email but do see this, go ahead and email me the info at

If you know another classmate that has a moved in say like the last 10 years, also let us know that too. We are glad to see classmates are reappearing for this big class reunion we have coming up next year!

We are just trying to update our database in preparation for mailing our 50th class reunion information.

Thanks for your help!

October 10, 2009
Click on this link to hear
Suan Guess-Hansen's recorder group.
Five members of "The Baroque'n Consort" made a live appearance on Radio station WILL-FM (Urbana, IL) Oct. 7, 2009. In this recording you will hear Suan speaking and the group playing several pieces - including several that SUAN wrote herself!!

September 21, 2009
BHS in featured article in Pantagraph yesterday.
Celebrating 50 years of being in current building - which, of course, we all know that!
Click on this: 26a3ebf2-a577-11de-8508-001cc4c002e0.html

OR email me if you can't view it online and I will email you the text from this article.
Rose Robeson

September 15, 2009
Here's Dave Cook's address if you'd like to send him a card:
David Cook
223 1/2 Bennett Ave.
Long Beach CA 90803

September 14, 2009
It is with deep regret and a saddened heart that I must tell you that we have lost our beloved Susie Keiser Cook.  She went home to be with the Lord yesterday, Sunday, Septermber13, 2009.  Her husband, Dave, said that they will have a celebration of life for her, but the details have not yet been work out.  I was making arrangement to go see her when I got the call that she was gone.  We had been best friends since 3rd grade.  She was the first person I met when I started at Irving School and we walked to school everyday from then on.  I loved her very much and will miss her greatly.  Please pass the information of her death on to the class. 
Thanks and have a blessed day,
Cheryl Peterson McKinley     

September 11, 2009
I have talked with Susie & Dave Cook and she is hanging in there.  She thanks everyone for all of their prayers and please keep them coming. 
Cheryl Peterson McKinley

September 11, 2009
Our classmate, Terry Smith, authored several novels before he died. Most of them are out of print now, but can be ordered on Amazon. Any interested '60 classmate might enjoy going on Amazon and typing in Terrence Lore Smith. After indicating "books." Nearly all of his titles are still available as used copies (some are new) and some as cheap as fifty cents. That's what Amazon is good for.
Jim Bennett

September 10, 2009
Have you seen the great Washington School 8th grade class picture
Ron Doss sent in? Go to "Photo Gallery" and "Old Tyme photos" to see it.

Names for the Washington School 8th grade class picture.
Please email me if you can fill in the question marks or make a correction.
Rose at

Howard ?, Jeremy Carmen, Lynn Raney, Ruth Ann Clark, Jane Carter, Susan Holder, Barbara
Steiberger, James Tidemann, Shirley McCurdy

Second line:
Lynn Buck, Marilyn Golden, Sandra Hundley, Morris Barekman, Larry Tabor, Dick Steljes

Third line:
Suan Guess, Georgette Morrison, Mike O'Neil, Lisa Potter, Mrs. Ridenour, Sharon Cuesey, Barbara Washburn, Marge McNutt, Bob Gray

Bottom row:
John Krueger, Dick Campbell, Don Peavler, Ron Van Winkle, Ron Doss, Rex Ringo

September 10, 2009
Rose, an article in today's Pantagraph reminds us that exactly 50 years ago today--Sept. 9, 1959, we all entered the magnificent new BHS high school building for the first time. And turned over the old building to the jr. high.

Hardly seems possible. But we are old folks now, for sure.
Jim Bennett

September 2, 2009
Outpouring of responses from classmates on Susie's news:

Hello Rose, sorry to hear about Susie’s condition; I know she had been having problems over the past few years.  I was hoping to see her at our reunion next year but if Hospice has been called in it sounds terminal.   Our reunion is a long way off so no telling what the future might bring as far as our classmates are concerned so let’s make this reunion fancy and meaningful for those that attend; it may be the last time we come together as a group.  Pass this request along to the planning committee, take care.

Bob Gaston
Hi Rose,

It's Lynne (Buck) McAtee.  Your messages come through on my husband John's computer and he always relays them to me.  It was time to thank you for keeping those of us not near in geography informed about the class of 1960.  It is a privilege to be included in the request for prayer.....and to still be kept in the loop.
So Sorry to hear about this with Susie. Fred and my prayers are with her.
Ann Rush Van Hook
Really too bad about Susie Keiser.  I guess we never know what life will deal us.  Just enjoy each moment.
Linda Roberts Messer
Gosh, I am so saddened to hear this about Susie--she was one of the nicest people I ever knew, in school or out...with a very sweet, compassionate husband who adores her...
I believe in prayer and answers to prayers so I will keep her in mind when I am on my knees.
Verma Rediger Lowery
Dave & Susan,
Got a note today from Rose (BHS class of '60) regarding an e-mail request for Susan thru Cheryl Mckinley.
My name is Bill Trimper and I graduated from High School with you. Likely, you don't even remember me, but that is ok.
Today, I live in Southern California, Chino Hills to be exact. I have 3 grown children and 9 grandchildren all here in CA.
My wife Sharon is a cancer survivor and I know, very well, the fear of the unknown that you have upon you right now!
We are Christians and fellowship at Chino Valley Community Church in Chino Hills, CA.
So, I say all this to tell you we are covering you with our payers! I am also taking your need to our "small group" at CVCC, that meets every Sunday, a prayer group of 16 people that really love the Lord, and to International Interns, Inc. of Pasadena, CA . I volunteer as a Short-term Mission Team leader to Hungary and Moldova, thru that organization. We pray every Wednesday morning for any urgent prayer request, and your needs will be presented.
My wife wants to encourage you with this verse of scripture. (Psalm 73:26) - "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever".
I want to give you a Psalm also, one that changed my life forever way back in 1967. (Psalm 116) - "I love the Lord, because He heard my voice and answered my prayers" .....
Hope this brings you both some comfort!
Please feel free to call us with any updates or prayer request as you go thru this trial.
Bill & Sharon Trimper
So sorry to hear about our classmate. 
Suan Guess-Hanson

September 2, 2009
Check out “Are You Retired or what” for a short bio on Ron Doss
See a recent of photo of Ron in “PhotoGallery”

September 1, 2009
Sad news.....

I spoke with Susie this morning and she asked if I would let the class know about her health issues and also let them know she is asking for their prayers.
I also have my mini diploma in my wallet, but have no idea where the real one is.  I hope all is well with you and keep up the GREAT job you are doing,
Cheryl Peterson McKinley

Dear friends and family:
We received a call this afternoon from
Susie's internist about the CT scan done last Tuesday.
It is cancer.  We are stunned and in shock.  The results show a tumor 2 inches by 3 inch in her liver, and it has metastized into her lungs with multiple spots and into the lymph nodes of her chest and abdomen.  The outlook is bleak.  She will have a needle biopsy this week to verify what exactly it is.
She will get an appointment with an oncologist to discuss her future decisions.  The prognosis is not good.  All of this has happened in the last two months.  She had a CT scan done in June and none of this was there.  The doctor said some cancers grow rapidly.  Fairly soon they will establish hospice for her.
She has been very weak, nauseous and not too hungry for about three weeks. So knew something was not right, but never anticipated this.
Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. 
Dave Cook

August 3, 2009
Do you remember the little plastic coated mini BHS diploma the National Bank of Bloomington gave us upon graduation? For some reason, I still have mine. Do you still have yours? Where my actual diploma is, who knows? Go take a look a mine in Old Type photos page in Photo Gallery.
Rose Robeson

August 3, 2009
Janet Warrick Wilcox would like you to visit her Blogspot.
Check it out at

July 28, 2009
Here's a thought that may or may not have any useful application to the reunion. It just intrigues me. I talked to a woman a while back (not from our class) who said she had been invited to her h.s. class reunion (I think it was their 40th). She had no interest in going whatsoever. She said, "Why would I want to go? High School was hell for me. I was ridiculed and teased without mercy whenever I wasn't being ignored. Why would I want to subject myself to those people all over again?" Or some such. What can 40 or 50 years do? Is the way we were the way we are? Is there any place for redemption? Just wondering. I'd be interested in hearing peoples' thoughts on such a statement.
Jim Bennett

I told Jim I can relate to this some. I was a shy little nobody in high school. But..... I'm glad I stepped forward and offered to do our website and other ways I could help. I've been having a ball and glad to do it. If I kept quiet, I'd still be pouting!
If you have comments on this, email me and I'll put it online here........Rose

July 28, 2009
My good friend in El Paso is sister to our classmate
Dick Campbell. (I didn't know this is her brother for quite a while.) She tells me Dick has NPH - water on the brain. This has affected his memory. He's thankfully is not in pain. He may have to have a shunt put in to drain the "water" soon. Dick has fallen down and denies it has happened. If you are the praying kind, prayer for Dick would be appreciated by his sister and Dick's family. Their mom is having physical problems right now too so prayer for mom would be good too. Thanks
Rose Robeson

July 26, 2009
Again, more sad news.
Robert Kring passed away last week in LIttleton, Co.
Click here to see what your classmates have said

July 24, 2009
Word has been received that our classmate,
Brenda Batts Fisher, passed away after a battle with cancer in Indiana on July 13, 2009

July 15, 2009
Be sure to check out recent additions to "Are you retired...or what" page as
Bill Hertter and Janet Warrick -Wilcox have sent in entries for that category