Happy New Year

October 1 - 3, 2010

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We do not have current Post Office addresses for these classmates. Keep checking this list as it seems to change daily. If you know where any of these classmates live now, please email us - Zona, or Rose at bhs60@speednet.com

Irma Jean Chapman Lambert
Gail Lee Clark
Kathryn Culpepper Wey
Jerald Garrett
Gerald Golden
Cindy Greene Simmons
Mick Hart
Phyllis Janick Lampi
Patricia Kelley McFetridge
John Kohler
Anna McLain
Charles Murphy
Linda O'Bourn
Tom Parker
Daniel Smith
Charles Smithson
Linda Sweetin Zimmerman
Ron Van Winkle
Terry Wach - lives in Colfax, IL ? need address/phone #
Dorothy Watts
Jack Wheeler
Jane Willerhausen
Rozetta Works


May 24, 2010

Rose, I was at the high school briefly yesterday and had a chance to look at the progress of the new football stadium. The bleacher supports are now in place from end zone to end zone.  On both sides of the field.  The concrete block buildings that support them are finished (at least on the outside).  The warm spring has probably moved the project ahead of schedule; I can't see any way this won't be finished by mid to late summer.  It seems every time our class shows up at the E. Locust Street site, something new is ready and waiting.  I for one am looking forward to taking a seat at the 50 yard line.

Jim Bennett

May 18, 2010

Great news.  Mary Jane Guthrie is out of her coma and has been moved to a different room (don't know the number) is alert, talking, and undergoing physical therapy.  Karen has talked to her on the phone and Mary Jane told her she couldn't walk.  Mary Jane also told  Karen she wouldn't be able to go to the reunion and Karen assured her she WOULD be at the reunion.  

May 11, 2010

Word has just been received that
Mary Jane Guthrie is in OSF St Joseph Medical Center in an induced coma. The neurologist says the right side of Mary Jane's brain is not working. She apparently was having seizures and doctors have induced a coma to try to stop them. Send cards to Mary Jane and pray that the good Lord does the best thing for her.
OSF St Joseph Medical Center,
2200 East Washington St, Room 1010, Bloomington, IL 61701


April 23, 2010

Dear friends,
I am sorry that once again I have sad news.  
Pat Hutson passed away suddenly April 21,  2010, at her home in Port Charlotte, FL. Pat was in our senior class but moved to FL before graduation.  Our deepest sympathy goes to her family.


April 15, 2010

More of
Jim Bennett's good work toward our reunion! :

I had a meeting with Karen Collins yesterday at the high school.  She is the head honcho of the BHS cafeteria.  We worked out the details of our snacks and refreshments for Oct. 1 between four and six p.m.  She will be providing Scandinavian bread rolls with fruit fillings, 7 kinds of cookies, bottled water, coffee, and punch.  She will need a head count somewhere near the end of August.  Here's the best part:  Since our reunion is a 50-year celebration, she will provide all these goodies at no cost.  Karen turns out to be a very good person to work with.  If any of you would like to express your gratitude, her e-mail is:  collinsk@district87.org

I also had another meeting with Stacey Rogers, who is one of the ass't principals.  I may have already reported she has determined we won't have to pay the customary fees for facility use.  We are also getting an insurance waiver.  Stacey has agreed to fill out the facility use form (very confusing and forbidding) for us.

Good stuff!
Jim Bennett

April 7, 2010

Thanks to
Linda (Roberts Messer) for sending this:

April 4, 2010
This message shows Jim is hard at work to make arrangements for our planned for tour of BHS Friday evening of Reunion:

Good morning fellow alums, I was at the high school on Friday, working to set up appointments with the right people in charge of the building use calendar....I hope to speak with the right person sometime this coming week.  I figure that's the place to start, and then go from there.  I'll report when I've got the date nailed down.
Jim Bennett

Feb. 10, 2010
A recent photo of
Janet Woodworth in Photo Gallery, A look at us now!

Feb. 9, 2010
Just received a great B&W photo from
Janet Wilcox.....Jefferson School play from 1st or 2nd grade.
Read what she has to say about the picture and then go to Photo Gallery - Old Tyme photos and see the photo at bottom of page. Also, always remember to click on the thumbnail of photos in photo gallery to bring up a larger version.........Rose

A school picture from 1st or 2nd grade which would be about 1948-9 something like that.  We were all in a play.

Carol Berry is the leader Front row left is Leonard Knuth and me
2nd row left is __?   Martha Valentine and Rex Ringo
3rd row left is __? __? Jimmy Fisher, Janet Whittenburg, __? 

2nd row Right is 2 gals I know, but can't place right now and David Dollins
3rd row Right is Keith Mikel and I believe Joanna? ____? and Nancy Wallace (my mom and her mom were best friends in school
4th row Right is Suan Guess, Chuck McLean, __? Lynn Raney

The school was Jefferson grade school.  I went there 1st, 2nd, 4-6th.
Third grade I was at Edwards school and where I met Jeanine Yeast, Janet Woodworth, Glenn Starkey etc.
Bent Jr. High I met up with them again, and also then met Roger Young, Gene Liscavage, Bard White, James Feek, etc.
Enjoy the memories! :)
Janet Wilcox

Rose says: If you can put names to any of the ? marks, let me know!

Jan. 26, 2010
Rose says: Busy day with the website and calls and emails from quite a number of classmates. I received a photo and short bio from
Steve Turner today:

After BHS, worked at Admiral making TVs for a while, then joined the USAF. Uncle Sam sent me to Texas, Michigan and France. Got out of USAF after my 4 year enlistment ended, hired by Caterpillar, took some college for the GI Bill $$. Got married, had a daughter 3 years later and a son in another 3 years, and eventually 3 grandsons. Divorced after 28 years. Married again,13 years later now, to the right one this time.
Broke my left arm playing football with Cat buddies at 40. Played softball in a couple of Caterpillar leagues. Played hockey. Stopped both of those activities at around 50.
Retired from Cat after 35+ years, most in data processing/intelligence technology as analyst/programer. Because I was driving my wife nuts, I then did "temp" jobs until I hit 65, then really retired. Kim and I live in Bloomington, but are hoping to move to Colorado soon.
Current interests include travel, photography/videos of eagles, hawks, falcons, waterfalls, whales, warbird air shows. I no longer smoke, drink, or chase wild women. Nothing togin by the first two and way too old and tired for that third one!
"Photo Gallery" > "Look at us now" has a photo Steve sent: Photo was taken at Sevierville, TN after we had been treated to a flight in the Red Bull Albatross (amphibious airplane).
Steve Turner

Jan. 26, 2010
Please check the list of our "lost" classmates above. An updated list was just received today. There are additional names on the list now so PLEASE CHECK it out to see if you know where any of these classmates are.

Jan. 26, 2010,
Congratulations to our classmate
Judy Kelly Augspurger and hubby Roger who are celebrating 50 years of marriage the 30th of this month. Surprise them with a card!
Roger & Judy Augspurger,
1606 Budig Dr., Normal, IL 67161

Jan. 18, 2010

Hi Rose,
  My trips this winter took me via Amtrak to Baton Rouge to visit my sister where I enjoyed some nice weather and good cajun food .. I then flew to Phoenix to be with my daughter for the Holidays. While in that area I made a trip up to Scottsdale to visit with Darlyne Goodheart Holley and also attempted to see Frannie Sidebottom Thorton but she was sick and called me later--They both have beautiful homes in Scottsdale and my visit with Darlyne and Chuck was very enjoyable. I hope to get Frannie, Darlyne, Suan and myself together for lunch before I leave next Sat...
  This weekend I drove 21/2 hrs to Tucson and stopped to visit with Ann Rush Van Hook and Fred...they too have a lovely home and she made us a nice lunch and we had a great visit . I tried to convince her to come to the reunion but I don't think I got the job done. It seems that Fred's is also this year (Trinity) and they cannot make it to both 4 mos. apart. I tried !! Ann makes beautiful jewelry and gave me one of her pieces which I will treasure. I left them and went furthur south to Green Valley to visit with my only brother and his wife. Lots of reminiecing of old childhood days took place and I had two fun days  with them before heading back to my daughters. I have been very spoiled here with Lori..she has treated me to "hot rock massages", dinner theaters , etc..tomorrow night we are taking in the Az. Opry...that should be fun.
On Sat. I will fly back to Baton Rouge where I will spend the month of Feb. again with my sister and friends I have made there....then  some time in early March I will climb aboard the "City of New Orlelans" and head back to Illinois hoping that Spring is on it's way...See you then........Verma

Jan. 4, 2010

After the last planning meeting, Susan and I took an action to find
John Dagley and perhaps see him on our way south to visit family during early December.  We had also already made plans to see Cheryl Peterson McKinley in Orlando, FL.  A few internet searches found John in Auburn, AL with a phone number.  A call resulted in an offer to stop and see John and his wife Peggy on the way down.  The first picture is of John & Peggy Dagley and Susan & Dave Jones.

During that visit, we discovered that John was in contact with "lost" classmate
Jack Miller.  A quick call by John resulted in a plan to see Jack and his wife June near their home in Lithia, FL on our way to visit family in Ospry, FL.  We then discovered that Cheryl couldn't meet us in Orlando but could drive over to Tampa the same day we were meeting with Jack.  Another call to Jack and we had a new plan to all meet at Jack's home for a wonderful Christmas lunch prepared by Jack's wife June.  The second picture is of Jack Miller, Susan Bicket Jones, Cheryl Peterson McKinley and Dave Jones.

We also had a nice phone conversation with
Dave & Linda Dollins from John's home.  The only person we missed was Bob Gaston who lives somewhere near Tampa.  We will have to find him next trip.

Dave and Susan Jones

Check out photos Dave submitted in Photo Gallery, "Look at us now"

Jan. 4, 2010
I just added quite a group of photos from our 40th and 45th class reunions. "Photo Gallery" > "Past reunions" Pictures are courtesy of Karen, Zona, Marty and Rose. I've had them stashed in my trusty Mac for a number of years. Looks like we were having fun! Bet we'll have even more fun 10 months from now. If you've not been to a reunion, THIS is the one to attend. Even if you have been faithfully coming, please consider coming to our 50th! Let Zona or I - bhs60@speednet.com - know you plan on coming, if you haven't already. We need a preliminary head count for planning.
