Saturday night dinner at the Elks Lodge
The photos you see are "thumbnail" size and only part of the photo. PLEASE click on a photo to see the complete photo in a larger size.
Social Hour.jpg

Social Hour

Dinner time.jpg

Dinner time

Kurt Gummerman.jpg

Kurt Gummerman

Bob Gaston singing

Bob Gaston singing "Nature Boy"

Barbara Stumm Gregory and Merrilyn Allman Fedder.jpg

Barbara Stumm Gregory and Merrilyn Allman Fedder

Gary Cicciu and John & Linda Noel.jpg

Gary Cicciu and John & Linda Noel





smiley group.jpg

smiley group

Barb Buttry Dorris &  and Kurt Gummerman.jpg

Barb Buttry Dorris & and Kurt Gummerman

Barbara S. and Merrilyn A.jpg

Barbara S. and Merrilyn A.jpg

They've got Personality.jpg

They've got Personality

More personality.jpg

More personality