Robert L. Gaston (Bebop) – Brief AUTOBIOGRAPHY – Fully Retired

Yes, I am fully retired and here is how I got there; after graduating high school I joined the Navy in July 1960. I spent the next 20 and _ years in many interesting assignments. After completing Boot Camp in San Diego, CA I was assigned to Heavy Attack Squadron Two at Whidbey Island, WA working in the personnel office; during my three years in this squadron I made two Western Pacific cruises onboard the USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) visiting Hawaii, Guam, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Australia. Next I was transferred to Naval Air Facility, Sigonella, Sicily for 18 Months giving me the opportunity to visit many European countries including: Italy, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Spain, and France. My next assignment was at the Naval Air Technical Training Unit, Pensacola, FL; after a year, I requested and was selected to attend Machine Accounting training in Bainbridge, MD; upon completion of this training I was transferred to Naval Supply Depot, Subic Bay, Philippines, another 18 month assignment working in data processing. While there I got married to my current wife, Delia. I was then transferred to Chief of Naval Operations, Communications Center, Pentagon, Washington, DC; after a year in this assignment I requested and was sent to computer programming school in San Diego, CA and upon completion was transferred to Fleet Intelligence Center, Pacific, Honolulu, HI for 4 years; we loved this assignment for all the reasons people visit the islands. My next assignment was at Naval Manpower & Analysis Center, Norfolk, VA; after two years here I volunteered for a special program assignment as a full time Drug Abuse Counselor and was sent to Jacksonville, FL for 12 weeks training and internship and then back to Norfolk for the remainder of my 4 year assigned to Naval Counseling and Assistance Center. After this special assignment I was sent for more data processing training at KeeslerAFB, to become a systems analyst on the Joint Operational Planning System; upon completion I was assigned to United Nations Command/Eight Army/Joint Command Information Systems Division, Seoul, Korea; this assignment was for 2 years but we liked it there and the job was very interesting so I extended for an additional year. I was then transferred back to the states for my last assignment at Naval Electronics Systems Command, Washington, DC where I spent one year and then retired from the Navy.

In November 1981 we had the Navy move us to Tampa, Florida because of a job offer. I worked for GTE, now Verizon, as a Systems Analyst in the Computational Services Division for about 4 and _ years while going to college at night. After getting my degree I went back to a government job working for the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Hillsborough County, and elected official, as Manager of Employee Relations. I worked for the Clerk’s office for 15+ years as part of his “Senior Staff” and retired as Director of Budget and Contracts in January 2004.

We have two children, a boy and a girl; they are both married, my daughter has 2 boys and my son has 2 girls and a boy for a total of 5 grandchildren. All of my family are in good health and doing as well as can be expected in these tough economic times.

I am looking forward to seeing all you “
Purple Raiders”, no pun intended, at our 50th Reunion. Take care,
