BHS ‘60 “Footprints”

   Greetings, BHS ‘60 classmates.  You may know by now we have a date for our 50-year class reunion.  It’s the weekend of BHS homecoming, Oct. 1 and 2, 2010.  There are people at work on preliminary arrangements.

   For our reunion, I have suggested (and reunion committee has approved) we do something unique to pay tribute to classmates who have died.  I am including the growing (sad to say) list below.      We are asking living classmates to submit a brief narrative about one (or more) who has passed away. I would be willing to gather the pieces together and publish them in a booklet which would then be distributed at the reunion.    I’m not suggesting an obituary; those have already been written.   Maybe “mini-memoir” would be better.   A simple narrative about the lost classmate could be a special personal memory, a body of information about the person’s life after high school, an achievement large or small most of us may not know.     Any memoir,  long or short, would be welcome.  Length is not important; you might write a 100-word piece, or 1000.  “I’ll never forget”....”I’ll always remember”...or “When Rodney got out of the Air Force...” “Not many people know that Janice”....      People score a game-winning touchdown, or become first in their family to earn a college degree, serve bravely in battle, buy that first car,  fall in love, have a unique wedding, start a business, win a case in a courtroom, recover courageously from a difficult illness, die with dignity, earn a special organizational honor, or participate in an important charitable activity.
   All of us leave “footprints,” moments that matter on some level.  Please pick someone on our “memorial” list and deliver one of those footprints.
   If you don’t have confidence in your writing ability, but would like to share re: one of our lost members, I am willing to help with suggestions, editing, whatever. Please contact me at or (309) 808-0025.
   If you know someone in our class who might be just the “right person” to write a piece on a lost classmate, please let me know.
   For this project as well as other reunion-related information, keep visiting Rose (Nelson) Robeson’s excellent Class of ‘60 Web site ( If you don’t know how to access the site, contact me or Rose  at        Please don’t feel any pressure, but if you could submit material by the end of this (2009) calendar year, it would help in planning the make-up of the booklet itself.
   Let your inner author flow!  And be in touch with any questions or comments. Or just be in touch.
   Jim Bennett, BHS class of ‘60.

   Deceased Classmates:  Sandra Alvis Snow, Kenna Jean Arbogast, Sandra Kay Arndt Miller, Brenda Batts Fisher, Sharon Bennett Chestney, Byron Bertagnolli, Linda Faye Boulware, Jean Butler, Tom Carson, Russell Colaw, Carol Jane Cook Paternoster, Don Coppenbarger, Carl Cufaude, Robert Feek, Ron Fluty, Janice Frautschi, Iladora Hamm Taylor, Susie Keiser Cook, Harry (Bud) Kelly, Wayne Kettner, Bob Kring, Joe Kroutil, Gene Liscavage, Don Lowery, Mary Mitchell Ashenbremer, Georgette Morrison Schupe, Don Peavler, Geof Proctor, Margaret Raithel, Jerry Rider, Terry Rider, Judy Robinson Ellington, Rodney Sakemiller, Terry Smith, Vyvyan Snow Daugherty, Glenn Starkey, Larry Streenz, Larry Thomas, Jim Tidemann, John Tidemann, Harlan Waddell, John Walker, Bill Williamson

p.s. If you are aware of any classmate we have lost that is not in this list, please let us know that too!