May was full of events associated with our impending Graduation. In looking at the following documents and associated pictures, it is hard to figure out how we found time to study for those dreaded Final Exams, but study we did and finally we were able to enjoy these various activities.

So first, we sent out our Graduation Announcements to family and friends. Did you keep a copy? Well, we did so see the full Announcement below. One interesting thing to note is that Susan Bicket Jones reports that Mr. Cox, Assistant Principle, didn't like that our class chose the BHS Logo from the old High School Auditorium for our Class Ring as well as the cover for the Graduation Announcement. He felt that moving into the new school merited an update to the logo.

Commencement Announcement Cover Page

Commeencement Announcement pg2Commeencement Announcement pg3

There were so many "Senior Events" that we had to publish a Program. There were six separate events by our count. Below is the Program that was published to make sure we didn't miss any. Do you remember them all. I don't. Click on the Picture to see the full Program.

Program for Senior Events

Our first activity was our Senior Picnic on May 19th at State Farm Park. Here are a few pictures of that Rainy day. Do you have more to share?

sr*picnic Newspaper article- Our Senior picnic @ State Farm Park<br />

The Junior-Senior Prom was held on Friday night, June 3rd in the ISU Student Union. The following pictures were printed in the Sunday issue of the Pantagraph.

Prom goers

The Sunday after the Prom saw many of us attend the Senior Vesper Service at Wesley Methodist Church starting at 4 p.m. Here is the Program from that service.

Vesper Service Pg 1
Vesper Service Pg 2
Vesper Service Pg 3
Vesper Service Pg 4

On Tuesday, the announcement of our 4 classmate Valedictorians appeared in The Pantagraph. It seems they all received nothing but A's for their efforts. Congratulations to them all!
Valedictorian Announcement

So Wednesday was the big day, our long-awaited High School Graduation. The activities began with our Commencement Exercises at the Bloomington High School Auditorium. Here is the Program for that evening.
Commencement Program pg1
Commencement Program pg2
Commencement Program pg3
Commencement Program pg4

Graduated at last! But wait, yet one more activity before we head off to the rest of our lives. Several parents went together and invited the full class to an After Graduation Party at the Bloomington Country Club. While many of us no longer remember all of the many events of this month, here is copy of the invitation we all received.


And the Diploma we all worked so had to earn!

BHS diploma