Dinner at the Marriott
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Dave P, Rolf & Dave J
John D, Dave J, Jim M., Peg & Marty
Ron & Morey
Zona, Janie, Bob & Carolyn
Jim & Gail
Joe & Carol Berry Bansch,Verma, Rita & Mike Henterseher Moore
Smile pretty for Miss Selk
Bob, Miss Selk & Andrea
Another happy group
Dave D & Bob
Marty, Suan & Cinda
Cinda & Carolyn
Jane & Barb
Linda & John Noel and John Dagley
Judy & Karen
Larry & Paul
Mature Madrigals
More Mature Madrigals
Karen Sperlin
Karen & The Dynamics
Morey & Zona
Morey & Karen H.
Morey & Ron
Ron Doss and Bob Beutow
Miss Dustman & Miss Selk
Mr. Baker & Mr. Morin
Zona & Norm
Yum Yum
Dick & Suan Guess-Hanson
John N, Bob, Jack & John D.
Martha, Cheryl & Verma
Mary & Rita
Jim & Fred
Jim & Miss Selk
Barbara, Zona, Jim, Marty & Meerilyn
Susan & Dave
Janie, John, Jim & Mary
Mary, Dave & Susan
Marilyn & Jim Meier
Zona tells us how to line up : + )