Our 50th Class Reunion was held the weekend of October 1-3, 2010. The weekend was filled with numerous activities. A number of classmates have provided pictures.

For our 50th Reunion, there was a class project to develop memories of classmates who had passed at that point in time. The results of that effort were published as a part of the 50th Reunion Booklet. Those memories, titled "BHS Class of '60 Footprints" have been reproduced and also added to our website and can be viewed
by clicking here.

Click on the
underlines below for the pictures of events you want to see.

Schedule of Reunion Events can be viewed here.
Pictures from events of the weekend.
Pictures of the Hospitality room activities
Pictures from the wonderful dinner we had at the Marriott Hotel in Normal, the base of our activities.

At the close of the evening, there was an
Official Group photo with names

The photos you see are "thumbnail" size and only part of the photo. PLEASE click on a photo to see the whole photo and in a larger size.