Recap of BHS Class of 1960’s 61st Reunion October 1-3, 2021 - submitted by Susan Guess-Hanson
After our plans were cancelled for our 60th Reunion in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Zona sent emails to classmates on our list to judge interest in attending our 61st Reunion. Around 30 emailed they were interested.

After many phone conversations, on June 7, seven of our Reunion committee met at Ewing Park I Shelter to discuss our event. “Simple, uncomplicated and not too expensive” were guidelines from the committee which included Anita Olsen Wagner, Judy Kelly Augspurger, Judy Haxel Hays, Verma Rediger Gummerman, Chuck McLean, Zona Steege Guttschow, Karen Sperlin, Jane Scott Foreman and Suan Guess-Hanson.

Because Mary Selk, our Chorus Director who lives at Westminster Village in Bloomington and turned 100 on 4/29/2021, we decided to plan our reunion along with BHS Class of 1965 for the first weekend in October to coincide with the BHS Alumni Chorus performing a concert at Westminster.

The concert was first for Westminster Village Residents only, but was then cancelled due to the Delta Variant.

The Invitation was completed July 16 and emailed to our class list by Zona. Jane F. prepared the envelopes for the snail mail invitations to be sent to classmates without email. Suan called some on the list to get current addresses. Reservations were due 8/31/21.

Suan planned a tennis event, “Tennis for Fun” like we had for our 50th Reunion. This kicked off our weekend: Friday 10/1 at Evergreen Racquet Club from 10:30 -12. Classmates were also welcome to come and watch and have lunch with the group at noon. We had a round robin event on two courts. Unfortunately two of our players were unable to participate: Linda Roberts Messer is having back surgery 10/20 and Barb Stumm Gregory’s husband Bill was diagnosed with Gilliam Barre Syndrome (a neurological disease) early in September and is currently in rehab in their Wisconsin home town of Green Lake.
Click here for pictures of "Tennis for Fun".

Players included classmates Lucinda Butler Dohan, Suan Guess-Hanson, Janie Carter Hall and John Travers. Those with ties to BHS included Jo Bowers, widow of Coach Jim Bowers and Linda Buttry Roberts, younger sister of our classmate Barbara Buttry Dorris. Subs for Barb Gregory and Linda Messer were Suan’s ERC tennis buddies, Peggy Caslow and Lorie Hermes.

We planned to have sandwiches delivered to the club for lunch but players weren’t interested. When Jim and Marilyn Meier came for lunch, we changed plans and 5 of us went to Potbelly - John T., Lucinda D. and Suan G-H.

BHS Tour of the new Fine Arts Wing at 3 pm was led by Principal Tim Moore. We met in the lobby with 10 classmates attending: Lucinda, Suan, Verma and Kent Gummerman, Connie Lucas Kocher, Jim and Marilyn Meier, Joanne Unzicker Springsteen and John and Camilla Travers. Our classmates with our campaign suggested by Verma in 2020 “$60 for ’60” donated $1400 toward the Fine Arts. We all were impressed with the upgrades in the art rooms, new spaces for chorus and orchestra and a huge space the size of a basketball floor and glass garage style doors that open up to the parking lot. This new band room can also be divided into two spaces with a ceiling panel that drops down. There is storage for uniforms as well as instruments and several practice rooms. The band director was in his office so we were able to speak with him. Later Mike Manahan said this space is also used for large gatherings such as the BHS Hall of Fame Dinner. Tim gave all of us a BHS Raiders Mask like he gave all students at the beginning of the school year.

An interesting fact about our teachers: our Art Teacher, Elizabeth Stein lived to age 99, our Band Director, Edward Harn lived to age 97 and our Chorus Teacher, Mary Selk is still with us at 100. Maybe there is something special about the arts and creativity after all!

The Wiener Roast began at 4:30 at Forrest Park Shelter (this venue had to be changed from Ewing Park II since a homeless man started a fire which burned part of the roof of that shelter.) At least 23 classmates attended this event: Verma & Kent Gummerman, Suan & Dick Hanson, Anita Wagner, Connie Kocher, John & Camilla Travers, Judy and Roger Augspurger, Jim & Marilyn Meier, Mike Manahan, Joanne Springsteen, Chuck & Diana McLean, Buddy & Janie Hall, Karen Sperlin, Linda Messer. Our menu included hot dogs, buns, Zona’s famous baked beans, chips, veggie tray and S’mores. Zona’s husband Tom cleared out the fire pit and provided the firewood. Suan’s husband Dick started and tended to the fire. Verma brought a poem her brother Bob had written for his BHS Class of 1954 which was read by Judy A.
Click here for pictures of the Friday night wiener roast.

The Meiers and Travers planned to attend the BHS Football Game but ended up helping everyone with cleaning up the site especially since rain was predicted.

Our Saturday Picnic was again at the Forrest Park Shelter which Zona, Judy H., Linda M. and Joanne S. helped to reserve the space since it is first come to reserve. The menu included Subway sandwiches, chips, Zona’s baked beans, a fruit tray and watermelon wedges as well as Zona’s yummy chocolate chip and snickerdoodle cookies.

Attendees numbering 15 included: Mike O’Neil, Mike Manahan, Fred Pringle, John & Camilla T., Jim and Marilyn M., Linda M., Karen, Chuck and Diana McLean, Joanne, Zona, Judy H. and Suan. [Anita, Connie and Lucinda also had planned to come but didn’t. Lucinda was able to visit with her 100+ aunt in El Paso and Anita and Connie needed to rest up for Avanti’s. Others who paid but didn’t attend were Susan Manahan and Sony Pringle.]
Click here for pictures of the Saturday noon picnic.

Our Saturday Dinner at Avanti’s on Empire St. at 5:30 pm was held in the Banquet Room attended by 28. We were fortunate that Judy A. made arrangements for us since the dining room was closed with only carry-out available.

We had invited Mary Selk, Jo Bowers and John Waddell (BHS 1959) as our guests. Mary declined but did tell us that she is planning on a spring concert with BHS Alumni Chorus in the spring at Westminster Village. We consider John Waddell our honorary class member. We didn’t expect it but John sang for us! What a thrill to hear him sing A Capella! John didn’t know that he had to sing for his supper and Jo had to play tennis!

Class members included Zona, Judy H, Verma and Kent, Kurt Gummerman & Martha Gummerman, Buddy & Janie Hall, Suan & Dick Hanson, Mike Manahan, Jim & Marilyn M, Rolf & Barbara Maurer, Jim Bennett, John and Camilla Travers (BHS 1962), Lucinda, Mike O’Neil, Anita Wagner, Connie, Judy & Roger A. Literally a last minute phone call, Camilla invited her classmate Sandy Price, wife of our classmate Ron Price. Ron and Sandy moved in December so we didn’t have an address for them. Even better, it was Camilla and Ron’s birthday. We didn’t know the cake would serve two functions! We also sang to them led by John W.

Anita provided flowers and streamer table decorations as well as a delicious cake for the celebration. She also brought cards for us to signet send to classmates who were unable to attend.
Click here for pictures of Saturday evening Dinner at Avanti's.

After dinner and John W’s singing, Suan read emails from classmates unable to attend: Barb Washburn whose sister-in-law celebrated her 75th birthday in NJ at the same time. She had emailed Suan back in March or so asking if there were plans for our reunion.

Ruth Ann Clark Morrison of TX who continues living with lung cancer and was unable to travel by herself. She mentioned flying to NY State and driving up to Canada to scatter her husband Don’s ashes. Flying has become almost too much of an ordeal but luckily one of her sons was able to accompany her.

Janet Warrick Wilcox of OK emailed that she is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She lives with her daughter but mentioned how much she enjoyed living in FL for so many years.

Our Final event was Brunch at Garden of Paradise at 10 am Sunday attended by 7. Attending were Connie, Zona, Jim and Marilyn, Judy & Roger and Suan.

Classmates intending to come but who cancelled included Morey Barekman, Andrea Brown Cox, Jane Foreman, Marilyn and Ross Hadden as well as Judy Lukens Hoback and John & Jackie Krueger.
Click here for pictures of the Sunday Brunch.

Whew! We survived and were so pleased to have an in-person event. Hopefully some of us will be able to get together sooner than later. What struck Suan was having the time to visit with classmates over the weekend and have more than superficial discussions. Her hope is that we have reconnected with those who came as well as those who were with us in spirit. We have a special bond, let’s keep it! We know this requires effort on all our part.

Addendum to Recap of BHS Class of 1960’s 61st Reunion October 1-3, 2021 - submitted by Zona Steege Guttschow

Since Suan mentioned names I didn’t want anyone left out. As she said both the wiener roast and picnic were held at Forrest Park, Bloomington. The Bloomington Parks Dept. has really cleaned up the park and it has become quite popular for events. You cannot reserve the shelters, it is on a first come first serve bases. I lined up classmates to take shifts the whole day on Friday and Saturday morning to make sure we had the only shelter with a fire pit. Those people were: my Tom went over at 6AM on both mornings to hold the shelter, followed by Chuck McLean, Verma and Kent, Jane Scott Foremen, and Anita Olson Wagner. On Saturday Joanne Unzicker Springsteen, Linda Roberts, Judy Haxel Hayes relieved Tom. I couldn’t have done it without their help. Jim and Marilyn Meier and Chuck Mclean and Diana were also my heros when they jumped in assisted me loading my car and followed me home and helped me unload. My car was PACKED with lawn chairs, coolers, food, drinks, utensils, etc.