Vyvyan Snow Daugherty

Pasted Graphic

Webmaster Note: We have been unable to find a copy of this obituary. Please contact Zona or the webmaster if you have one you can allow us to copy.

The following was written by classmates for our 50th Reunion Booklet. Led by a dedicated team of local classmates, the project was titled:

Vyvyn and I were best friends. I lived a mile from Bent school, she lived 1/2 mile. I would walk to her house and we would walk to school together, even when the snow was almost as high as we were.

I would sleep over at her house. In the morning her mother would make homemade bread. . . mmm I still remember the smell of homemade bread and taste the jam. Vyvyn had small brothers at home at that time. She also has a younger sister Connie.

She set me up on a blind date with her cousin Tom Rinehart. He was really cute. Vyvyn and I always had the time of our lives. In high school, we worked at State Farm and had 1/2 day of school. When we got married, we sort of lost touch. . . but ran into each other every so often. Finally, after I moved, I retrieved her address from someone and when I came back to see mom and daddy, I would give her a call. If she was available we would get together and catch up on old times.

I had never been able to get off work to attend any of the reunions. In 2002, Rose put together an impromptu breakfast with some of the classmates that were still in B/N. That was the nicest thing I ever have had happen, because that was the last time I saw Vyvyn. I have pictures from that party. The restaurant was off the belt line across from Greenwood Trailer court, I'm sure you know the name of it.

(Janet Warrick)

Vyvyan was big into quilting. Despite her health issues (lung transplant) she did the best she
could and was a good friend. She really enjoyed getting together with classmates when planning our 45th reunion. It was a delight to spend time with her.

(reunion committee)