Margaret Raithel Welcome

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Margaret Welcome OB

The following was written by classmates for our 50th Reunion Booklet. Led by a dedicated team of local classmates, the project was titled:

Margaret "Sis" Raithel and I grew up practically next door to each other, there was one house between us. When we started kindergarten at Raymond School we were put into different classes, she in the morning and me in the afternoon. We refused to go to school until we were in the same class! We were together through grade school. In junior high and high school we were on different paths but we walked to school together in the morning, had lunch together every day and then walked home together. She was very shy and I was the loud one and we made a pair. No matter what happened during the day, we had each other to talk it over with at the end of the day. As we grow up, we all need someone to talk it over with. Sis was my special friend.

(Judy Haxel)