James Tidemann
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Published: October 16, 1973, page 272 of The Pantagraph
James Tidemann, 31 of Chicago, and formerly of Bloomington, died suddenly about 11:30 p.m. Friday in Chicago.

His funeral will be at 7:30 p.m Monday at the Resurrection Lutheran Church, Bloomington, Burial will be in Minnesota.

Visitation is from 3 to at the Nelson Funeral Home
Mr. Tidemann was born in Bloomington, a son of
Bernice and Warner Tidemann.

Surviving are his mother and two brothers. The Rev. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. and John, Minneapolis, Minn.

He was preceded in death by his father.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago.

The following was written by classmates for our 50th Reunion Booklet. Led by a dedicated team of local classmates, the project was titled:

I remember “Jim” fondly as a fellow student who made me feel welcome at the start of junior year. I had just transferred to BHS from another high school, and was very shy as well. I was in the band, and got to know him there. He had a kind way of making a shy newcomer feel welcome.

I always felt he was sort of an “intellectual” person; he was bright, thatʼs for sure. I remember he had a command of current events and politics that seemed nearly intimidating. For example, during Pop Schedelʼs class junior year (was it history, social studies, political science? I canʼt remember) Jim was the only person in class who knew who Metternich was. Amazing.

He was on the student council that year, if memory serves.

The funny part is, I thought he was on the Aegis staff with me too, but after a few months into the year, I realized that was his brother John, who was an associate editor if I remember correctly.

(Jim Bennett)