March 22, 2014

I am saddened to report we have lost another classmate. Tom Graves passed away March 12, 2014. Click here to see his obit.

March, 2014

Proud grandma, Linda Messer, reports Jake Miller of U High, is the Illinois state champion swimmer!

Winter, 2014

Karen Sperlin has had dental and back issues. Ouch!

March, 2014

Jane Foreman has back issues also

March 2, 2014

Mary Jane Guthrie fell March 2nd and was in St. Joseph's hospital for 4 days before going to Manor Care thru March 23rd.

Winter, 2014

Barb Washburn & Marty Griffin went to Myanmar together.

Winter, 2014

Rose Robeson's husband has been in hospital 3 times since Thanksgiving. A rotten winter in more ways than one!

Winter, 2014

Marilyn Hadden needed an infusion due to anemia

Feb. 22, 2014

Gary Cicciu's wife passed away. Condolences!

Feb. 15, 2014

Judy Rockwell Stein married Myron Tepper in Normal.

Winter, 2014

Mary Moran has been diagnosed with cancer. Her mother has also passed away recently.

Feb. 11, 2014

Ethel Groves, girls P.E. teacher back in our day, passed away Feb. 11, 2014

February 4, 2014

Hello again Rose and all.  February already.  I see from the weather reports that Central Illinois is due for yet another big snow storm.  I hope you all are coping okay.  I am recovering well from my January 17 surgery.  We were very pleased with the surgeon.  I can sit and walk which are the biggies plus I can put on my socks now.  I won't be a good as new, but I will be good enough.  I don't have to go back until March 9.  Our weather is up and down now with many nights below freezing but I'm not complaining.  We had a flock of Cedar Waxwings in our backyard a couple of days ago.  There were well over 100 birds.  They would stay in the tops of the oak trees for a long time, but if one decided to get a drink they would all descend on to our small water feature at the same time -- rather irrational behavior I thought.  They are making their way north again, but the cold northern winds may have sent them back south for a little longer.  We have also seen several robins -- 3 or 4 at a time but not flocks.  There may be flocks in the parks where there is more room to walk around looking for stuff to eat.  All by way of saying that spring may be on the way.  I hope so.  Hi to all.  

Ruth Ann (also known as 'Thanny)  

January, 2014

Buddy Hall and Dave Jones both had knees replaced in January

January 21, 2014

I am still at the MD Anderson hospital recovering from surgery to remove my latest sarcoma metastasized lesion. The surgery outcome is the best we could have hoped for. The margins are clear of sarcoma cells and I didn't lose any major blood vessels or nerves. I won't be as good as new but good enough. The tumor was embedded in my gluteus Maximus so a good surgery outcome was critical to my mobility. 

Ruth Ann Morrison