Our Senior Year memories have been enhanced - June 22, 2016

Susan and Dave Jones have been going through their collective boxes of high school memories. They discovered programs from all of our Graduation events, which totaled 7 by their latest count. These have been scanned and this part of the website has been revised so that our May Graduation activities are now highlighted.

Also, pictures from the Pantagraph highlighting the Queen and her Court from the Shrine Auto Show have been added to our Senior Year activities. The court featured three members of our Senior Class.

Norm Phillips getting engaged - May 22, 2016

Rose has reported that Norm Phillips surprised guests at his 75th Birthday Celebr
ation at Eagles by getting down on one knee and proposing to his girlfriend, Thell Hoye. And she said YES! There were a number of classmates there to share in this special moment. A number of pictures are posted on Norm's Facebook page, but we have posted one here as well.

Andrea Brown Cox has provided five old pictures - May 25, 2016

Andrea Brown Cox has been busy finding pictures of us in our earlier years. First, she has provided a
picture of her in Kindergarten. She says: "My dad made my costume. They were made out of crepe paper. The picture was taken in the Spring for our end of year show.  I remember we sang In the Merry Merry month of May." (Now who remembers all of that stuff from Kindergarten!)

Andrea also has provided a
picture from her 10th Birthday party.

And finally, Andrea has provided
three pictures taken at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin during Wesley Methodist choir camp. Some great pictures of several sophomores to be.

Trinity Lutheran 8th Grade Graduation - May 13, 2016

Zona found a
picture of the 8th Grade Graduation class from Trinity Lutheran while cleaning out stuff. This picture includes BHS classmates:
Sandra Arndt, Bill Hanner, Karen Krause, Connie Lucas, Jim Meier, Bonnie Oesch, Jane Scott, Zona Steege, and Phillip Westfall

Class lunch - May 5, 2016

Zona reported that because Mary Moran was in town for Miss Selk's gathering and Mary missed the April 26th lunch, seven classmates met again for lunch. Two pictures were taken and they can be seen in the "Local get togethers" section.
Click Here to go there directly.

Report from Miss Selk's 95th Birthday gathering - April 30, 2016

Again, Classmates Rose reported on this event and Zona also sent a copy of today's article from the Pantagraph (click to open)

FROM ROSE: "Miss Selk's 95th birthday celebration at Westminster Village was today.  It was a yukky, cool, RAINY day in Bloomington.  I wasn't there but I'm sure there were a lot of smiles there.  Suan told me there were not a lot of BHS people there but enough to let her know she is still loved.  John Waddell, class of '59 was there.  Suan, Judy Kelley, Mary Moran, Verma and Kent Gummerman, Andrea Brown Cox, Jim Bennett. and some others.  Our class was well represented.  John Waddell sang Old Man River and several other favorites. They also sang as a group."


Bloomington High School
Chorus of memories: Former BHS choir director
leads alumni in song

Julia Evelsizer jevelsizer@pantagraph.com
BLOOMINGTON — Even 50 years later, Mary Selk knows the names of her former choir students
from Bloomington High School.

“They’re very special to me. It’s like a big family,” said Selk, who turned 95 on Friday.

On Saturday, Selk directed a performance of more than 20 BHS choir alumni for the residents of
Westminster Village, Bloomington, where Selk lives.

When the performers, graduates from 1956 to 1966, heard that Selk wanted to have a reunion, they
jumped at the chance to sing under her direction again.

Andrea Brown Cox, a BHS graduate of 1960, traveled to Bloomington from Blairsville, Ga., to join the
choir. She wiped away tears as she spoke of Selk.

“She really instilled a love of music in us, and she cares deeply for us all. We would do anything for
her,” said Cox
Cox said Selk inspired her to become an a capella director, but she became a registered nurse

“So I guess I’m a bit like the singing nun,” said Cox.

While most of her former students still enjoy singing, one has turned the passion into a lifestyle.
John Waddell of Bloomington was coached by Selk at BHS until he graduated in 1959, and she
encouraged him throughout his college career at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, where he
graduated in 1963 with a degree in music voice.

As Waddell began a successful career in opera, Selk would drive from Illinois to New York to watch
him perform. For 50 years, Waddell has performed across American and Europe and has always
stayed in touch with his first coach.

Pictures have also been added to our Photo Gallery. Click here to see them.

And finally, there are two YouTube videos posted of both the "Alumni Choir" and John Waddell singing. You should really watch both
Part 1 and Part 2.

Class lunch at Hibachi Grill and Buffet - April 26, 2016
Zona reported that 17 classmates and spouses gathered for a lunch at the Hibachi Grill and Buffet. She has provided lots of pictures to document this occasion. Click here to see the pictures.

Miss Selk is turning 95 - April, 2016
Our Classmate Rose Robeson, sent the following notice.
I just saw on Milan Jackson's FB page that Miss Selk is turning 95 on Apr. 29.  She wants her Acapella "kids" to come to Westminster on 30th to sing.  Check out Milan Jackson's  Facebook page for details. John Waddell will be there!"

Class update – Mar., 2016
Our Classmate Rose Robeson has submitted a link to a YouTube video that has been posted by a commercial real estate company in Bloomington that either owns or operates our "old" High School. The video has lots of overhead pictures of the building(s) as well as interior shots of most of the hallways, the old gym, the swimming pool, etc. While the interior shots pass by too quickly, this will bring back many memories. I have posted the link on our Home Page as well as here. Thanks Rose! Enjoy everyone.

During the March 4th weekend race in Las Vegas, Dan Eikenberry and Paul Sennewald were able to catch up on old times. Paul's wife Flora joined them as it appears from the picture they tipped a few. Paul & Flora live in the Phoenix area while Dan lives in Las Vegas. Classmate John Noel also lives in Las Vegas but was unable to join them. The picture is posted under
"Recent pictures of Classmates".

Class updates – Feb., 2016
Over the last month updates (emails and phone calls) have been received from classmates in response to the email and letter that Zona sent to all classmates. Below are summaries of these updates:

The following update regarding Dennis Livings was received by Zona via email Jan, 2015:

Hello Zona,
I received your letter several weeks ago. I moved to the Greater Casa Grande, Arizona, area to downsize as well as to be a little closer by car to Los Angeles and San Diego (Southern California), where all my immediate family and most of my longtime friends live and work. I apologize for not responding until just now. I should have realized that there would be a 55
th year Reunion for the Class of 1960 last year, but I didn’t. Perhaps I will be alive and available for the 60thyear Reunion.
Your letter noted that some one person, or more maybe, from Arizona were there at the 55
th Reunion last year. If possible, could you give me his/her/their contact information so I might meet them in person here in Arizona. I didn’t know very many of my fellow student at Bloomington High School and didn’t participate in any clubs that I can recall, maybe briefly the Latin club. I didn’t stick around Bloomington for very long after graduation. In fact, I enlisted in the U. S. Navy early that year and went to Chicago during Easter vacation to take a physical and complete all the written tests to see what I was qualified to do for them. I left Bloomington about five days after graduation and only visited one time since then, in the summer of 1995 I believe. I was there to get together again with my closest friends Gene Johnson (class of 1959) and Ronald Feezor (class of 1960, who enlisted with me on the buddy system) and Lenny Kletz (class of 1960 at Normal High School).
If you are ever in or passing through Arizona, let me know and we might be able to meet in person.
Warm Regards Always,
Dennis Livings

Dave and Susan Jones visited Dave Popejoy and his wife Barbara in Phoenix. They have posted a picture under “
Recent pictures of classmates”.

The following update regarding Jerry Tyler was received via a phone call 2/16/’15 with Susan and Dave Jones.

Jerry has moved again, but he and his wife Shirley are still living in central Florida. He asked about several classmates and was very excited to be back in touch with his class. (If you would like to contact Jerry, contact Zona for his information. He does have email.)

The following update regarding John Noel was received by Zona via email Jan, 2015:

Hi Zona,
     I did indeed receive the email of about a month ago. I did not take the time to really look at the web site until last night. You, Dave , and Sue are to be congratulated; I spent over an hour and a half looking at everything and could have even stayed with it longer. Everything is fine with us; perfect health really. Linda and I have been married for 42 years, here in Las Vegas. We have 2 girls, one lives here, married and is a teacher. Our other daughter lives in NJ. Our son, Ian, passed away in 2009. I retired as a veterinarian years ago and have managed my own office buildings here since. Thanks again for all the hard work you 3 have done. We all appreciate it.

The following update regarding Loretta Johnson Pitzer is from a phone called received by Zona, Jan 16, 2015.

Loretta called Zona in response to the letter we sent. She is still living in Florida. She asked about several classmates. (Contact Zona if you would like to contact her.)

The following update regarding Dan Eikenberry was received via email Jan, 2015

Wanted you to have my e-mail address and my Las Vegas mailing address to add to my info.

I enjoy receiving info about my high school days. I hope to make it to a reunion sometime, but it’s hard to get away.

It is sad to read the obituaries. Several of my high school friends and team-mates have passed on. I do remember you and many of the others listed in your letter. If you want any info about me I will be glad to respond to you.

                 Thanks, Dan

The following update regarding Ruth Ann Clark Morrison was received by Susan and Dave Jones via email Jan., 2015, but is an edited version. If you would like to contact Ruth Ann and don’t have her contact info, contact Zona or Dave Jones. (Now that the website is open, we will not publish contact information.)

Hello wonderful BHS 1960 classmates.  I hope you don’t mind a group email.  So many of you have asked me to keep you informed how things were going with my sarcoma journey that I was overwhelmed at the thought of so many emails.  I decided to be expedient, but that doesn’t mean I don’t treasure each and everyone of your friendships.   At the moment I am thinking positive thoughts.  I finished my last radiation therapy session on Friday, January 15.  So now we wait until April to see if the particularly troublesome tumor in my right lung is really gone.

Thanks very much for all the thoughts and prayers that you send my way.  It is so nice to have such excellent back up.  You are the best.  Peace, hope, and love from ‘Thanny

The following update regarding Parke Simmons and Susan Patrick Simmons was received by Susan and Dave Jones via email Nov., 2015. Again, the following is edited by the webmaster for the website, but Parke’s original is very informative and funny.

Hello Dave,
Was able to logon today; don't know why it didn't work before except for the fact that this laptop is, in fact, haunted and cursed; often playing mind-games with me just to raise my already too high blood pressure.
Anyway, Sue and I just spent well over an hour going over the site.  Great fun and many recalled good memories, except for the obits. (At least we didn't see our names listed.) Think you know that, although I graduated with the class of 1960, I was really a member of the class of '59.  (I dropped out in the spring of '59 then went back to graduated in '60.)  Sue was a true member of the class of 1960 but quit to marry me and didn't get to graduate with her class. (Short version of a very long story.)  Of course, Sue knew many more of the class than I and really enjoyed the site.
I did have lunch with Buddy Hall when we were back there the summer before the 50th reunion.  We re-lived a lot of the "good times" we had back then even though many of them were a bit "hazy;" (even when they originally were happening!)  …
Paul Sennewald was another good friend I got to know during my year with the class of 1960.  He and I have stayed in touch through the years and recently got together.  He and Flora were on a road trip and came through Salt Lake City on their way back to Peoria, Az.  They stayed with us a couple of nights and that was a lot of good times.  I was glad to see that Paul had an even bigger belly than I have these days.  Even so, he didn't look all that much different than he did over 50 years ago.  (I would certainly recognize him if I happened to see him somewhere.)  He was one of the "good guys" in my opinion, even though he wasn't part of our motely crew of rebel rousers in high school.  Our oldest grandson lives in Tucson so we plan to visit with him (and our two great grand kiddos) soon and, when we do, the plan is to spend some time with Paul and Flora.
… let me tell you a little bit about Sue and me.  (I wrote and published one book five years ago and am working on another so, when the spirit moves me, I tend to be pretty damn "wordy," so feel free to delete the whole thing anytime if you'd rather.)
Webmaster Note: For those keeping track, that makes Parke the 3rd author in our class! Pretty impressing I think.

My less than ideal upbringing just might explain a certain "attitude" some people said I had in those days.  Then again, I may have just used that as an excuse to act like a wild man once in awhile. Based on statistics of people who had my environment, I probably should have been a long-term resident of Joliet State Prison by now and…IF Sue and I hadn't moved to Oregon in 1965.  I gladly acknowledge that Susan (Patrick) is the best thing that ever happened in my life.  She quite literally saved me from myself with her unconditional love.  Sorry to sound all emotional on the subject but its the truth. 

Keeping another long story short, I and two partners started our own dental equipment and supply business in 1975 and it seemed that nearly every decision we made turned out to be the right one; and the company prospered and grew.  We sold out in 1996 and we have lived a very comfortable life......far more comfortable and financially secure than I had ever dared to dream of back in the Bloomington days

Well, far more information than you need and probably not much that you can add to the site.  So, I'll end this for now.  I love to hear about people I know and their experiences to date through this thing we call our lives.  Share if you'd like but I'll understand if you prefer privacy concerning personal matters.  Either way, my best to you and Susan.
Best regards,

Class updates - Jan., 2016

We received just a few class updates over the hollidays. First, we received an email from John Travers with a New Year's picture attached.

John & Camilla Travers New Year picture '16

We also received a nice note from Lucinda Butler Dohan. Here is her note:
Hi David, I understand that you're now in charge of the BHS 60 website.  I did not know about the reunion in August as Zona didn't know my correct e-mail address, and I didn't receive the info. We were also on a Tauck Tour Aug 5th - 16th in France. We flew into Paris-Degaulle, stayed and toured Paris for 3 days. Then we took a high speed train to Lyon where we  boarded the Emerald Princess small-cruise ship and cruised the Rhone River. I can't say enough about Tauck as we've taken 4 trips with them and plan to do a 5th next August when we go to Ireland. I'll be able to stay in touch now that I have the BHS Web site!

Lucinda Butler & Stanley Dohan in France 8-'15

Finally, we received communications from Jack Miller and John Dagley, who were sharing a few days together at Jack's home in the Atlanta, GA area. Sadly, they admit to not taking any pictures. Something about not looking as good as when they attended BHS. Seems like a poor excuse to us.