October 11, 2021
Two updates have been accomplished.
First, Suan and Zona have submitted recap's to the Reunion held the weekend of October 1-3, 2021.
Click here to see their very comprehensive summary of the weekends events and pictures.
Next is a picture from a very proud Rolf Maurer with
his family in front of Rolf's 1953 John Deere Model B tractor. Click here to see the 2021 picture additions.
And finally, I have to note that for reasons unknown to me, many of the pictures on our website have decided to become confused about their purpose in life. For those I have copies of on my computer, an attempt to restore them will be made.- Dave

From Zona - September 24, 2021
Zona emailed the class with a update for this year's Reunion activities. Click here to see the email to the class. - Dave

From Zona - September 1, 2021
Zona emailed me the following: "Jim Yarger’s wife responded to the reunion reminder and notified us that he passed away 12/15/2020. Jim and Karen lived in Heyworth, Il. Suan tried to locate his obituary without any success. Also Linda Ladue Waters passed away 4/24/2021. I believe she was living in Normal, Il. Again, No obituary has been found."

I have updated the website to reflect these losses. Please email Zona or me if you have any updated obituary information. Dave
Click here to go to the Obituary page.

I have also posted a picture forwarded from Suan of John & Camilla Travers at Mt. Rushmore before Covid (picture appears to be from 2016).
Click here to see the most recent pictures.

From Zona - August 29, 2021
Zona emailed an update to the class with a reminder of the approaching end of Registration's for this year's Reunion and a notice that the Miss Selk concert has been canceled by Westminster Village because of Covid -19 concerns. Click here to see the email to the class. - Dave

From Suan Guess-Hanson - July 2, 2021
Suan emailed me a note with information on the now rescheduled 60th Reunion. She provided information on the scheduled dates and tentative schedule. Click here to see the Reunion plans as of today. - Dave